Gallup poll results show that pinning the blame on conservatives failed.
Most Americans reject that theory, with 53% agreeing that commentators who allege conservative rhetoric was responsible were mostly attempting to use the tragedy to make conservatives look bad.
And efforts to drum up support for more control on the basis of the tragedy in Tuscon are really going nowhere.
Most Americans… do not believe tougher gun laws in Arizona would have prevented these shootings. One in five say stricter laws would have prevented the tragedy, while 72% disagree.
The History “of the heart” the Left writes will change the results. Look at the Palin posters in San Fran. Those will make the texts as representative and the polls will blow away with our rights.
Congress will create another new Preatorian Guard for itself to keep out both “terrorists” and smelly tourists (read Americans) at a safe distance and the Media will call it Wise as the always lick their Master’s boots.
Lincoln’s American Plan is now a reality in word and deed.
Every single day lots of people are killed by illegal drugs — by the drugs directly and by those who take and sell them. Does anyone think that if we had “tougher drug laws”, all of this would go away?
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