28 Oct 2012

Yet Another Great Obama Ad

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It’s your fault, you see, that “sick people just die and oil fills the sea. … We haven’t killed all the polar bears, but it’s not for lack of trying. Big Bird is sacked. The Earth is cracked, and the atmosphere is frying. … Find a park that is still open, and take a breath of poison air. They foreclosed your place to build a weapon in space, but you can write off your au pair.”

This one wins the Pavel Morozov Award for excellence in brainwashing children.

Let’s get this one clear: I have no problem at all with the principle of leadership of society by an educated elite. I just think that this particular educated elite isn’t qualified to tell anybody anything, particularly how to live.

One Feedback on "Yet Another Great Obama Ad"


“I have no problem at all with the principle of leadership of society by an educated elite. I just think that this particular educated elite isn’t qualified to tell anybody anything, particularly how to live.”

This is exactly the problem Hayek identified. There is no “right” way or “best” elite to lead society.

The Right never gets this: that their concept of a ‘good’ society is just as coercive as the Left’s. It is simply so much more congenial to them that they fail to notice the implicit violence herding people in a certain direction since that direction is the way they would go anyway.


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