10 Dec 2006

General Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte, 25 November 1915 – 10 December 2006

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General Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte, liberator of the Republic of Chile, died today of a heart attack in Santiago at the age of 91, eluding finally the vindictive efforts at persecution of the cowardly hound pack of the international left.

Most sensible people would regard the personal project of the British big game hunter hero of Geoffrey Household’s famous 1939 thriller Rogue Male, the stalking and assassination of Adolph Hitler, as a commendable effort to save the lives and liberty of millions from the depraved ambitions of a tyrant.

What Captain Thorndike (played by Walter Pidgeon in the 1941 film version by Fritz Lang, retitled as Man Hunt) tried to do fictionally for the European world of 1939, Augusto Pinochet really did in cold reality for the population of Chile in 1973.

The Communist Salvador Allende managed to gain power in 1970 by a plurality of 36.2 percent in a three-way election.

Immediately upon taking office, Allende began instituting La vía chilena al socialismo (“the Chilean Path to Socialism”), featuring the nationalization of all large industry, government takeover of the health care system and education, land seizure and redistribution of all property of more than eighty hectares (197 acres) of irrigated land. The Allende government defaulted on all foreign debt, and instituted a freeze on prices along with a government-dictated raise of all salaries.

Naturally, even basic commodities disappeared from supermarket shelves, and the necessities of life became only available via the black market. In 1971, Allende established diplomatic relations with Communist Cuba, and invited Fidel Castro for a month-long visit in which Castro participated actively in the government of Chile.

Hyperinflation (508%) and food shortages ensued. Allende proceeded to rule while disregarding the courts. Attempts at restriction of freedom of speech, and unauthorized seizures of farms and private busineses became commonplace.

On September 11, 1973, the Chilean military, led by General Pinochet, commander-in-chief of the Chilean Army, intervened to restore the rule of law. Defeated, and facing arrest and trial, Allende committed suicide with the same AK-47 Kalashnikov given to him as a gift by Fidel Castro.

General Pinochet ruled extra-constitutionally for 17 years, in the course of which a few thousand radical leftist extremists, bent upon violence and upon assaults upon the basic liberties and property rights of the people of the Republic of Chile, and guilty of revolutionary conspiracy and assassination attempts, were prophylactically eliminated by the security forces of the Republic.

Suppose Captain Thorndike had been able to shoot Hitler before the outbreak of WWII? Suppose he, and perhaps some big game hunter associates, had also eliminated Goebbels, Himmler, Bormann and another few thousand key Nazi lieutenants, in time to prevent the full establishment of the Nazi regime in Germany, saving thereby millions of innocent lives? Should Thorndike have subsequently been prosecuted by one European Union Jack-in-Office judiciar after another?

In 1980, General Pinochet promulgated a new constitution promising a return to civilian rule in 1990. In 1988, he sought the approval of a plebiscite for another 8 year term as president. Failing to win that vote, he proceeded to conduct a democratic election, and stepped down voluntarily on March 11, 1990 to an elected successor. He left power, having restored both freedom and prosperity to Chile.

Mr. Allende’s role model, Fidel Castro, seized power in 1959 and continues to rule tyrannically over a starving and impoverished population nearly 50 years later. Castro has executed many thousands of people, but curiously enough, not one single European Union judicial official has ever chosen to indict or prosecute him.

The general’s reputation, and personal freedom, were the objects during the later years of his life to an endless succession of manipulative and propagandistic attempts at judicial vengeance by the international left. With his death, he has moved beyond their reach to take his rightful place, along with Bolivar and O’Higgins, among the heroes and liberators of Latin American.

Viva Pinochet!

One Feedback on "General Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte, 25 November 1915 – 10 December 2006"

Dominique R. Poirier

Augusto Pinochet was probably not the best president an occidental democracy would have expected, at least because political unsmiling leaders wearing ostensibly military uniform and black sunglasses are seldom popular. Circumstances prevailing in Chile at that time put Pinochet in the obligation to rely on methods that couldn’t but be questionable in modern countries of the northern hemisphere.

Now, despite those disputable practices the fact remains, overall, that anyone cannot but acknowledge that the man did much more good for Chile than his predecessor did or would have done, to the extent that economy and the well being of the population in Chile at the end of Pinochet governance counted among the best one could find in South America.

Those who never had the opportunity to travel to France, where I live now, will be perhaps surprised to learn in many French cities and towns there is a street or an avenue named after Salvador Allende, even though barely one French on ten knows who’s this person and in which country he lived. This owes to the fact that when a Communist is elected as mayor one of the first thing he does is to rename after the name of a communist personalities as much streets, avenues, avenues and administrative buildings as he can.
Thus it is not uncommon in France to find streets, avenues and places bearing names such as Lenin, Gagarin, Trotsky, Marx, etc; but never Joseph Stalin, at least.
However, French main streets and places are the more often named after the names of General de Gaulle and of this of the General Leclerc. There are some rare arteries named after names such as Franklin D. Roosevelt, President Wilson, George Washington, Lafayette, Eisenhower, and Benjamin Franklin. Overwhelmingly, thus named arteries are to be found in upper class areas.
As far as I know, there is not one street in the whole country named after the name of Augusto Pinochet. If one rightist mayor ever attempted to make such an exception, the left would immediately make a case with it and bring it to court and parliament. This anecdotic comment exemplifies what is democracy according to the left as JDZ pointed it out in this article.


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