29 Jun 2013

Best Line of the Week

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Dan Greenfield
complains of being attacked by Paul Krugman: the same Paul Krugman, who has done for economics what Erich Von Daniken did for space exploration.

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Google the phrase “former economist Paul Krugman” and you’ll get 30,000 results.

Last week Mr. Krugman actually argued the broken window fallacy, which would have garnered him an F in Econ 101.

“And, as I’ve already suggested, environmental action could actually have a positive effect. Suppose that electric utilities, in order to meet the new rules, decide to close some existing power plants and invest in new, lower-emission capacity. Well, that’s an increase in spending, and more spending is exactly what our economy needs.”

Hey, Paul, so let’s raze ALL the power plants and build new ones. Then we’ll be even better off. Then let’s raze the New York Times building . . .

T. Shaw

He’s a credientailed cretin.

He’s an ideologue not a scientist: as if economics were a science!

Anyione can redaliy observe the fallacy of these green boondoggles by observing Spain and its national bankruptcy resultant of a combination of green lunacy and a busted housing bubble.


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