Category Archive 'American Thinker'

22 Jul 2020

Google Censoring Conservative Sites

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Just the other day, I received a note from a commenter complaining that Never Yet Melted was not coming up on Google searches.

Well, apparently, this problem was rather more extensive.

Thomas Lifson, at America Thinker, reports:

Yesterday, what Google calls a “technical error” exposed a blacklist of multiple conservative sites, including American Thinker. After the blacklisting became obvious and generated commentary among conservative publications (and crickets among the dominant MSM propaganda organs), it appears to have been reversed.

The blacklist became blatantly obvious when a Google search for “American Thinker” revealed no items from our site, but rather articles elsewhere that mentioned us. …

This morning, the ban on material beginning was no longer visible.


Rod Dreher sounded the alarm yesterday.

Today I have discovered that Google’s search engine has somehow suppressed not only this blog, but a number of conservative blogs and websites. I don’t know why. Is it deliberate? Was it a hack? I’ll let you know when I find out. Whatever the answer, this reveals the incredible power Google has over access to information. Get on the wrong side of that particular Big Brother, and you can be more or less cancelled.

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