Category Archive 'Anheuser Busch'

10 Apr 2023

Who Would Hire a Tranny to Promote Bud Light Beer? She Would!

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Alissa Gordon Heinerscheid
VP, Bud Light, first female to lead the largest beer brand in the industry

There are, of course, large numbers of really bright young people capable of independent critical thought at the top elite schools. Unfortunately, there are even larger numbers of Lumpen-Icy-Leaguers, tools, grade-grubbing climbing conformists, who make up the noisy Woke minority whose voices are always presented in the establishment media.

It is kind of astonishing though that major business corporations would, having interviewed someone like her, actually hire her and allow her to make such obviously disastrous policy decisions.

“Hey, guys! How about we just drop our uncool, old-time customers? Those people are dinosaurs. We need to sell beer to diverse young people like me!” Genius, sheer genius. She’ll probable go on to be hired as head of advertising for NASCAR or Copenhagen snuff!

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