Category Archive 'Christina Bothwell'

29 Jun 2014

Mixed Media Sculptor Christina Bothwell

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Christina Bothwell, Deer sculpture in glass and ceramic

Ridiculously interesting:

[M]ixed media sculptor Christina Bothwell: Taking aesthetic inspiration from vintage toys and dolls, antique medical illustrations and old machinery, her work embodies a sense of the nostalgic entwined with that ineffable emotion of wonder. With their colorful glass bodies, delicately modeled limbs and faces, hidden layers and surreal appendages, Bothwell’s imaginative figures seem like they were plucked from some forgotten fairy tale (one which I am desperate to read).

There is an enchanting quality about her work which I can’t quite articulate, but I think at least part of it stems from her use of the translucent glass to explore the co-existence of the inner and outer workings of the body. The glass allows a soft light to radiate through the figure and reveal hidden treasures and imperfections within, but its material vulnerability also mirrors the vulnerability of the figures she depicts: little girls, infants, and small animals. A little bit magical and a little bit menacing, Bothwell’s intriguing sculptures invite the viewer to imagine their own narrative for her figures and to delight in their visual curiosity.


Irene Hardwick Olivieri interview


Interview in Glass Quarterly


Heller Gallery


Obsoleteinc examples for sale


Hat tip to Madame Scherzo.

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