Category Archive 'Commercials'

04 Jul 2023

New Bud Light Ad Aimed at Straight Men

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Bud Light tries to get back on the good side of straight male customers with this not especially flattering depiction of what the Anheuser-Busch elite thinks those knuckle-dragging troglodytes are like.

29 Jan 2019

Nuked Too Much or Not Enough?

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You take a culture with the keenest appreciation of impermanence, simplicity, and imperfection and a wistful love of Nature and you add Commerce and the influence of American popular culture, and you get this!

Here are 15:09 of Japanese commercials brimming with kawaii, moe, chibi and served up with the special kind of twistedness only the Japanese can manage.

HT: Vanderleun.

26 Sep 2009

America’s Few

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New USMC recruiting commercial.

Hat tip to Rich Duff.

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