Category Archive 'John Rigby & Company'

01 Jan 2014

Rigby Back in Business in London

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Steve Bodio reports that the famous Rigby gunmaking company has resumed London operations and is in possession of the original company records.

He writes:

I have owned one once, a “.275”. So did Walter Dalrymple Maitland Bell, who shot many elephants with that “tiny”, actually moderate, caliber. And Jim Corbett (man -eating tigers), and Eleanor O’Connor [Mrs. Jack O’Connor] (mostly edible horned things).

I used to own one, too. Mine was one of the earliest made, produced on an Oberndorf Mauser Model of 1898 action and sold October 27th of 1898 to Major Blunt, complete with case, cleaning equipment, and ammunition.

.275 Rigby, formerly owned by Major Blunt and me.

Hat tip to Karen L. Myers.

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