Category Archive 'King Abdullah II of Jordan'

05 Feb 2015

King of Jordan to Fly Combat Missions Against Isis Personally?

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Abdullah II ibn al-Hussein was educated at Deerfield Academy in Massachusetts and at Britain’s Sandhurst Military College. He has also studied at Pembroke College, Oxford and at Georgetown. The king is a 43rd generation direct descendant of Mohammed.

Daily Caller reports rumors from a variety of Middle Eastern sources which claim that the King of Jordan will personally fly sorties against the jihadi state.

Jordan’s King Abdullah ibn al-Hussein, who has trained as a pilot, may fly a bomber himself on Thursday in the country’s retaliation against the ISIS.

Several Arabic-language newspapers reported late Wednesday that the monarch would personally participate in bombing raids on the terrorist group, citing his vow Tuesday to “strike them in their strongholds.”

The king was in Washington when news broke Tuesday of pilot Muadh al-Kasasbeh’s demise at the hands of ISIS extremists. Meeting with the House Armed Services Committee shortly before leaving for Amman, he reportedly quoted the Clint Eastwood’s film “Unforgiven” and said that Jordan would pursue the jihadis until it ran “out of fuel and bullets.”


There is a Twitchy page devoted to the rumors.


i24news reports that Jordanian air operations against ISIS are already underway:

The Jordanian air force carried out air strikes against Islamic State targets in Mosul, killing 55 including a top IS commander known as the “Prince of Nineveh,” Iraqi media reported Wednesday.

The strikes came just hours after Jordan’s King Abdullah II vowed a “severe” response to IS after it burned alive a Jordanian fighter pilot captured in Syria.

“The blood of martyr Maaz al-Kassasbeh will not be in vain and the response of Jordan and its army after what happened to our dear son will be severe,” the king said in a statement released by the royal court.

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