A Deer Season Story
Deer Hunting, Lehighton, Pennsylvania, The Region

The relevant portion of Lehighton.
From a Shenandoah friend:
Back when I was delivering UPS parcels (they don’t call them packages) in Lehighton, every hunter around was trying to bag a huge 12 point buck, who was regularly spotted eating in the fields on the mountain behind Gnaden Huetten Hospital, which is at the end of 12th St. It was the daily talk at many of my stops.. ‘did anyone bag the big buck’. Day after day, the answer was.. Nope.
I was delivering a home near the end of 11th St next to the hospital one afternoon. You may know that the Dutchies, for the most part, do not use the front parlor door so most deliveries were made in the back of the house. As I rounded into the back yard, the lady of the house was hanging some laundry out & quickly silenced me with her finger to her mouth. She pointed to the end of the yard, where the 12 pt buck was sleeping under her hydrangea bush. She said he is there before dawn every day & leaves after dark every nite. She swore me to confidentiality. That was one very smart deer.”