Neat, But Expensive
Auction Sales, Battle of Zorndorf, Frederick the Great, Lempertz, Militaria, Silver

A tumbler formed from a rubel coin with gilt interior, engraved:
“Der Russe ward bey Zorndorff geschlagen
Ich aber als Beut davongebracht
Aus Rubel bin ich ein Tummel gemacht
Zum Guten Trunck es kanns ein jeder wagen
Der nur Preussens Friederich und seine Taht verehrt
Der sein eigenes heil, des wirthes wohl begehrt.”
“The Russian was beaten at Zorndorff
But I brought it away as booty
I have made a tumbler out of a ruble
With this good drinking vessel everybody can
The great Prussian Friederich and his deed celebrate
And pledge his health, the worthy and admired.”
dated “25 August 1758”. The beakers are an eloquent testimony to a historic encounter during the Seven Years’ War: In the Battle of Zorndorf on 25th August, 1758, the Prussian troops beat the Russian army and succeeded in capturing a part of their war funds. Subsequently, a number of those Rubel [ruble] coins were embossed to little beakers commemorating Prussia’s military victory.
Dimensions: H 3.5 cm, weight 22 g.
Artist or Maker: marks of Johann Friedrich Wagenknecht, circa 1758.
Sold on Saturday for €7000.
Carl Röchling, Friedrich II. in der Schlacht bei Zorndorf 1758, 1911.