Category Archive 'The Left’s Long March'

03 Dec 2016

Knowing Exactly How Rip Felt

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John Quidor, The Return of Rip van Winkle, 1849, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.


If you occupied what was considered the ideological / moral centre ground in 1966, and went to sleep for 50 years and woke up in 2016 you’d find yourself occupying the ideological /moral ‘far right’. You didn’t have to budge one inch ideologically to find yourself there. The whizzing sound you heard was the ideological / cultural centre ground zooming over to the Cultural Marxist hard left.

Everything that was considered mainstream, obvious, common sense, logical and moral in 1966 is now considered by our political, academic and media elite to be bigoted, ignorant, hateful, xenophobic, racist, extremist and some form of moral abnormality.

In other words, within the space of 50 years, morality, right, wrong, evil, good, normal, obvious, extreme, sanity, truth, beneficial, dangerous and the instinct for group preservation, has been inverted and stood upside down on its head.

Never before in the entire course of human history has an entire culture, race and civilisation decided to hand over its lands, social capital, heritage and identities to competing and intruding alien cultures without a fight, and even worse, to evolve an ideology that morally justifies and glorifies it as proof of their moral supremacy.

European man is in a civilisational death dance.

Hat tip to Vanderleun.

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