Category Archive 'Tom Brady'

12 Feb 2023

Joe Montana Watches From Retirement

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As this year’s Superbowl nears, Wright Thompson writes on the legacy of the great Joe Montana, his rivalries with Steve Young and Tom Brady, and the sorrows of retirement.

Walmart once paid Joe Montana, John Elway, Dan Marino and Johnny Unitas to do an event. The four quarterbacks went out to dinner afterward. They laughed and told stories and drank expensive wine. Then the check came. The late, great Unitas loved to tell this story. Montana grinned and announced that whichever guy had the fewest rings would have to pay the bill. Joe had four, including one over Marino and one over Elway. Elway had two. Unitas said he only had one Super Bowl ring but had of course won three NFL titles before the Super Bowl existed.

Marino cursed and picked up the check.


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