University of London Student Union Votes to Bans Nietzsche Club
Campus Intolerance, Friedrich Nietszche, Traditionalist Youth Network, University of London

“Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein.”
— Friedrich Nietzsche, Jenseits von Gut und Böse.
Via Legal Insurrection:
In the name of “a socialist transformation of society,†intolerant students at University College London (UCL) have violated the rules of their student union by banning a group calling itself the Nietzsche Club, after German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. The official resolution speaks for itself and might even violate British law.
According to Union Policy UP1343, passed earlier this year and available at the Union’s website, the UCL Union (basically the student government) officially believes that the Nietzsche Club “is aimed at promoting a far-right, fascist ideology†and must be stopped at all costs.
In case there was any question, UCLU adds that “there is no meaningful distinction to be made between a far-right and a fascist ideology†and that “fascism is directly threatening to the safety of the UCL student body.â€
The entity doing the banning is University of London’s University of London (Student) Union. The “fascists” being banned are the University of London chapter of the Traditionalist Youth Network, a group representing about as much of a political threat as a Philatelists’ Club.
The motion passed by these snot-nosed communist little buggers reads:
This Union notes
That a group positioning itself as a “student club about traditionalist art and philosophy†and as “Tradition UCLâ€, has started operating at UCL.
That this group has been putting up posters with their contact details around UCL campus.
That their posters’ heading reads “Too much political correctness?â€, and they advertise a study of the philosophers Nietzsche, de Benoist, Heidegger and Evola.
That a second poster appeared around four weeks after the previous one had first been put up, bearing the title “Equality is a false god†and, once again, advertising the philosophers de Benoist, Heidegger and Evola for study.
That on this second poster the group has repositioned itself as a “Nietzsche Club†and altered its contact details to include a new email address.
That the aforementioned philosophers and thinkers are on the extreme-right, racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, homophobic, anti-Marxist, anti-worker and have had connections, direct or indirect, with Italian fascism and German Nazism.
This Union believes
That this group is aimed at promoting a far-right, fascist ideology at UCL.
That there is no meaningful distinction to be made between a far-right and a fascist ideology.
That this group may have connections to the wider fascist movement and other organised groups, specifically those groups using the name “Radical Traditionalism†to describe their ideology, such as the “Traditionalist Youth Networkâ€, and the “Traditional Britain Groupâ€.
That fascism is directly threatening to the safety of the UCL student body and UCLU members.
That fascism is used by the ruling class to divide workers and students along ethnic, national, religious, and gender lines, as a measure to split them and thus weaken their effectiveness as a force and undermine their resistance to policies of austerity, attacks on living standards and public services, and other consequences of the crisis of the capitalist system.
That fascism has no place at UCL or UCLU, and that any attempts by fascists or the far-right to organise on campus must be met with unconditional resistance.
This Union resolves
To ban and otherwise prevent the installation of any further publicity of this group around UCLU buildings, and to urge UCL to adopt the same policy in the university buildings.
To prevent any attempts by this group to hold meetings and organise events on campus.
To reject any attempts by this group to seek affiliation and official recognition from UCLU as an official club or society.
To commit to a struggle against fascism and the far-right, in a united front of students, workers, trade unions and the wider labour movement, with the perspective of fighting the root cause of fascism – capitalism. Thus, the struggle is to be united under the programme of a socialist transformation of society.