25 Nov 2015

“How to Talk to Your Pansy Marxist Nephew at Thanksgiving”

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Advice on family differences from Uncle Strickland:

This kid, my nephew, will never admit to being a communist, it’s always this “moderate independent” crap. But his Facebook feed is full of Bernie Sandinista, if you know what I mean, and he recently tweeted some gibberish about riding the bus in Czechoslovakia and identifying as a “human being” instead of what he is, an American. He’s been a “student” at some Ivy League circlejerk for the better part of a decade. I think he’s 29, who the hell even cares? If he’s the future, this country’s digging its own grave and I’m glad I won’t be there when it finally kicks the bucket.

5 Feedbacks on "“How to Talk to Your Pansy Marxist Nephew at Thanksgiving”"

Paul Kerpash

Sadly, there are too many douchebags like this in the world today.

David Henry

Hilarious sendup of the Trump-spouting, douchebag uncle who always ends up spoiling family gatherings before thankfully passing out face down in the stuffing.

House of Eratosthenes

[…] via Never Yet Melted, via Gerard, How to Talk to Your Pansy Marxist Nephew at […]

How to Talk to Your Pansy Ass Marxist Nephew at Thanksgiving by Uncle Strickland - American Digest

[…] HT: The dependably interesting Never Yet Melted […]

Mr. Direwolf

We live in Texas, so pansy Marxist nephew who won’t STFU gets to sit with the toddlers, spewing his nonsense about a “reimagined Hillary presidency over this last, like, sad year of Trump” until the toddlers get enough and tell him to STFU.


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