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[…] Source: Never Yet Melted » Murder Rates and Politics […]
Thought experiment.
Which is more likely to reduce gun violence?
A. Locking up all guns B. Locking up all Democrats
Best comment on gun control came from Otter in Animal House:
I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part!
Need one more chart. Let’s call it the BLM chart. Those areas where there are high percentages/concentrations of African Americans.
Here is the homicide map of Washington, DC:
Guess which race lives on the west side of DC and which lives on the east side.
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[…] Source: Never Yet Melted » Murder Rates and Politics […]
Seattle Sam
Thought experiment.
Which is more likely to reduce gun violence?
A. Locking up all guns
B. Locking up all Democrats
Seattle Sam
Best comment on gun control came from Otter in Animal House:
I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part!
Need one more chart. Let’s call it the BLM chart. Those areas where there are high percentages/concentrations of African Americans.
Steve Gregg
Here is the homicide map of Washington, DC:
Guess which race lives on the west side of DC and which lives on the east side.
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