Category Archive 'Dean Jonathan Holloway'

12 Sep 2015

Yale Singing Group Suspended From Recruiting Over Deer Head Prank

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The Society of Orpheus and Bacchus (generally referred to as “The SOBs”), founded 1938, is the second oldest of Yale’s underclass a capella singing groups.

In response to a prank (a deer head in a box, left at the Spizzwinks Fall audition, Dean Wormer (excuse me, Holloway) has barred the SOBs from participating in recruiting during the Fall Rush, thus denying the singing group any new members from the Class of 2019. The loss of an entire class delegation is bound to have a pretty devastating impact on any undergraduate organization.

Apparently one single member was responsible for the prank, but the current Yale Administration, now embodied in the righteous person of a distinguished scholar of African American Studies, favors a scorched earth policy in response to undergraduate hijinks.

Yale Daily News

J. Press sells a Society of Orpheus and Bacchus necktie.

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