The Society of Orpheus and Bacchus (generally referred to as “The SOBs”), founded 1938, is the second oldest of Yale’s underclass a capella singing groups.
In response to a prank (a deer head in a box, left at the Spizzwinks Fall audition, Dean Wormer (excuse me, Holloway) has barred the SOBs from participating in recruiting during the Fall Rush, thus denying the singing group any new members from the Class of 2019. The loss of an entire class delegation is bound to have a pretty devastating impact on any undergraduate organization.
Apparently one single member was responsible for the prank, but the current Yale Administration, now embodied in the righteous person of a distinguished scholar of African American Studies, favors a scorched earth policy in response to undergraduate hijinks.
J. Press sells a Society of Orpheus and Bacchus necktie.

Mark Matis
Maybe it’s time for them to leave the head of dean Holloway in a box. I suspect the “university” would be able to understand that “comment”.
Steve Gregg
I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part! The SOBs are just the guys to do it.
Dan Kurt
Mulattos have long had a reputation for being wreckers, deep haters, including being a self-hating lot, cruel yet great overseers of Black slaves in Brazil, unhappy in their own skin, half breeds unwelcome anywhere. DEAN JONATHAN HOLLOWAY proves the point as an affirmative action, pissant, loach enemy of white youth, his intellectual superiors: he can’t beat them with his brains but he can humiliate them from his undeserved seat of power–Professor and Dean in Yale’s satirical “department” of Black Studies.
Dan Kurt
It seems a little over the top. I don’t get it as a prank, but it seems a little overzealous punishment. But then, overzealous punishment send to be SOP at universities these days.
In a letter the Dean sent to the group, he acknowledged that whether or not there was just one person involved, it was time for some “cultural reform” to be enacted. In other words, to paraphrase Rahm Emanuel, it would be a shame to let such an incident go to waste.
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