Category Archive 'Illustration'

17 Jan 2021

Edward Hopper, Illustrator

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Edward Hopper, “American Locomotive” advertisement (1944).

We’re all familiar with Hopper, the world-famous painter of “Nighthawks”, but how many of us remember his prominence as a commercial illustrator working in advertising (above) and earlier career illustrating pulp fiction?

From the July 18th, 1918 issue of Adventure.

Daniel Crown discusses these in an earlier LithHub article.

HT: Vanderleun.

16 Jan 2018

The Tarantino Version of Childhood Characters

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Bored Panda:

Sylvain Sarrailh, who is also known by the name Tohad, is a French concept artist based in Toulouse. His works vary from beautiful illustrations to exciting video games that always bring some fantasy into our daily lives.

This time Sarrailh decided to take some beloved characters from our favorite childhood stories and turn them into villains that seem like they just came out from Quentin Tarantino’s movies.

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