Category Archive 'Illustrations'

15 Jul 2020

There Must Be Quite a Story Here


Illustration to Wyatt Massingame’s Quietly My Casket Waits.

05 Aug 2014

A Really Bad Day

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The Italian reads: “In the middle of the Indian forest, a man waiting for the train to stop just near the line. Suddenly, a boa attacks its victim, squeezing with its powerful coils. But then a tiger hurls itself upon the huge reptile which wraps, then, even the beast in a stranglehold. A monstrous tangle occurs, meanwhile, along comes the train. The whole tangle winds up bloody and broken by the wheels of the train.”

Via Ratak Mondosico.

More of the bloodcurdling illustrations of the great Achille Beltrame can be seen here.

Achille Beltrame (1871-1945)did the cover of La Domenica del Corriere every week from its beginning in 1899 until his own death in 1945.

19 Feb 2014

Lady with Model 1911

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Illustration for a book or magazine story by Dean Cornwell (1892-1960), known in his day as the “Dean of Illustrators.” Cornwell’s work appeared in Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar, Redbook, and Good Housekeeping magazines, illustrating the work of authors including Pearl S. Buck, Lloyd Douglas, Edna Ferber, Ernest Hemingway, W. Somerset Maugham, and Owen Wister.

I wish I could identify the title this one comes from. I’d like to read it.

Hat tip to Madame Scherzo.


UPDATE 2/23:

Lucas Machias came through with the ID: The illustration is for Illustration for “$2,000 Reward,” a story by Alma and Paul Ellerbe, published in Cosmopolitan, March 1924.

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09 Dec 2013

From a 1900s issue of “Scribner’s” Magazine:

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