05 Nov 2005

Sound and Unsound Blogs Reviewed

Reviews of major Sound Blogs by John Henke (from a Libertarian perspective) appear at Q&O Blog. The negative swipes at Power-Line, and even a ranking as low as number 3 (despite the impressive competition at the head of the list), seemed both highly questionable to me. Power-Line’s historic role in exploding Sixty Minutes’ lies during the last national election have to be considered to have earned Power-Line and its authors a unique position in the Blogosphere, one covered in glory. Its daily standard of quality is also entirely competitive with the very best. I get the feeling there’s something personal going on here.

He also reviews the most execrable Unsound Blogs, if anybody actually cares.

Credits: These items were previously linked by Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit, and by John Cole at Balloon Juice.


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