17 Nov 2005

Moonbat Umbrage at Daily Kos

Today is really comedy day in the Blogosphere.

The Los Angeles Times had the unmitigated bad taste in liberal eyes, it seems, as to profane that newspaper’s editorial shrine by admitting the unworthy person of conservative syndicated columnist, and NRO editor-at-large, Jonah Goldberg.

Goldberg’s inaugural piece has a promising opening:

STOP ME IF YOU’VE heard this already. But there are people out there — honest, decent, sincere people and deranged moonbats, too — who think that George W. Bush lied about the threat posed by Saddam Hussein. No, seriously, it’s true.

Unfortunately, Goldberg immediately changes course, and turns the whole thing into a mildly amusing bit of sophistry contending that: Bush is right, even if he lied, because FDR lied the country into WWII, and we all agree in the end that he was right to do so. Therefore, we must recognize that presidents may very well need to lie on grave occasions to get the country to support hard choices and naturally intrinsically-unpopular policy decisions, like going to war.

Maybe so. And, though I did not find myself completely carried away with admiration, I recognize that syndicated columnists do have to turn in something regularly in order to collect a paycheck, and they can’t all be gems.

Over on Daily Kos, however, the incongruously named “Hunter” summons the literary equivalent of a carpet-bombing B-52 airstrike to express precisely how shocked… shocked he is to find such incivility as the opprobrious epithet of “deranged moonbats” being applied to a particular category of ideological opponents in a political editorial. “Hunter” then undertakes to fight the good fight for more and greater politesse in the political wars by donning his literary critic Halloween costume, raising a pinkie finger delicately in the air, and proceeding to find Goldberg’s prose-style wanting and his manners uncouth at very considerable length.

One is simply compelled to conclude that the term deranged moonbats must have struck a nerve.

Goldberg clearly meant by that term the sort of people on the political left who are so carried away by emotion, enthusiasm, and passion that their actual grip upon reality has become unhinged, and they have modified their own memories, and subverted their own powers of reason sufficiently as to believe that what “Hunter” refers to as speeches about mushroom clouds and African uranium really have been established in the eyes of anyone less deranged than an indubitable, barking, and likely card-carrying, moonbat to represent anything other a false line of partisan political obfuscation entered into the public debate by former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, whose report was actually subsequently established to indicate the exact opposite of what he said it did.

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I need more coffee before I tackle that last sentence …

V the K

FYI: “Hunter” has some notoriety in the blogosphere both for his tendency for obscene tirades and for claiming the Dan Rather Texas ANG memos were legitimate long, long after even those on the left had either conceded that they were frauds, or (much more commonly) simply stopped talking about them.


I mean, I agree with the first four lines, and I agree with the last four lines, but it’s gonna take Fowler’s Modern American Usage, a protractor and a tinfoil hat to work out the middle piece and see how they all fit together. Wish me luck.

Joseph F. McNulty

The meme of “Iraq is Vietnam” is self-fulling. Now, thanks to the Democrats who want to withdraw, Iraq is like Vietnam. Anyone in Iraq who is cooperating with us has to wonder now if we will be around tomorrow, when the Islamists are calling the shots (literally, to the head). I heard yesterday a Democrat call for “negotiations” with the terrorists. Negotions with those who have sworm to kill you, convert you, or die trying? There is no middle ground, no compromse with these people. If you do not believe me, get a Koran and a Hadith and tell me how, with the doctrine of “abrogation,” you can expect to life with the Islamists, other than as dhimmis. Perhaps that iws what the Democrats have in mind. It will certainly be a surprise to Hollywood.


Idaho – I see what you mean. You could do like Arlo Guthrie and separate it into pieces “with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one, explaining what it was for”.

(I think “their actual grip upon reality has become unhinged” is a mixed metaphor, too.)

Incidentally, I agree with the premise too and I love the sobriquet “deranged moonbats”.

Paul Garrison

Let me get this straight. First, Bushies like Lucianne’s son are outraged that anyone would say Bush was lying. Now, they agree that he was lying but that it was for a just cause. Huh. Some would call that a flip-flop.

I guess the next step is to learn that Bush’s lies about his National Guard service were for a just cause. As were his lies about deficit spending, tax relief, Social Security, the Medicare bill, 9/11 warnings, Katrina preparation, etc., etc., etc.


Actually, he (Jonah) never agreed he (Bush) was lying. In fact, readers possessing rudimentary critical reading skills note that he states, clearly and up-front, that he does NOT think that Bush is lying.

He then creates a discussion by conceding this point. It’s a hypothetical. It’s rhetorical. If I have to explain it, well…

Baron Von Ottomatic

Yeah, I’m quite certain being called a “deranged moonbat” really triggers anxiety in the very same folks who have acused conservatives of everything from starving the elderly, bringing back Jim Crow laws, and launching a Fourth Reich under the totalitarian watch of BusHitlerCo…


I’ve added some colons and parentheses to parse that baby:

Goldberg clearly meant by that term the sort of people on the political left who are so carried away by emotion, enthusiasm, and passion that their actual grip upon reality has become unhinged: they have modified their memories and subverted their own powers of reason sufficiently as to believe that what “Hunter” refers to as “speeches about mushroom clouds and African uranium” really have been established (in the eyes of anyone less deranged than an indubitable, barking, and likely card-carrying moonbat) to represent anything other [than] a false line of partisan political obfuscation entered into the public debate by former Ambassador Joseph Wilson (whose report was actually subsequently established to indicate the exact opposite of what he had said it did).


Love your web design. Very cool.

Keep your eye on the Moonbats. Always a reliable source of humor.

Philo Beddoe

Paul Garrison must have flunked reading comprehension in elementary school.

Mark Gibson

I got linked to this blog via Jonah Goldberg in The Corner; obviously he has a sense of humor and this blog caught his eye.

I’m a little surprised at one thing though; the term “moonbat” seems to have been floating around the blogosphere for several months now; surely even the moonbats who are “shocked…shocked!” to see the term in common usage can’t have missed it. Given my general contempt for the moonbats I don’t think they could convince me that grass is green, but when I hear someone profess shock at something so common, it makes my opinion of them drop even lower. Its such weak rhetoric.


The term “moonbat” has been commonly used on blogs, and the internet in general, for far longer than a couple of months. Wikipedia traces its origins on a blog back to 2002. There us a similar term used by leftist bloggers for the right – “wingnut”. I find it very hard to believe that someone who posts on a blog often enough to become “known” has never seeen or heard the term used before.


That should have been “there is”.


Very funny to hear complaints about a lack of civility and name-calling coming from, of all places, dailykos.com. The day-in, day-out tenor of their commentators ranges from angry, to enraged, to vicious, to hatred, always strewn with obscenties and invective towards people who don’t share their political outlook. And that’s just how they treat the DLC!


a long while. moonbats and asshats. but, as many can attest, the media is shockingly slow to report….much. we will see more of the accusation that conservatives are ‘so mean’. just as when bush recently [and finally] responds to the ‘Bush-lied’ group, he is accused of ‘escalating’. goldberg, new at LAT [as Robert Scheer is finally FINALLY let go] is the first to use ‘moonbat’ in print. because there are SO FEW conservatives in print, they tend to parse their language so as to make every word count.

Ray, A Drop of Golden Sun

Forget colons and parentheses — they don’t cure the whiplash-inducing tense shifts and the rest of it. The thing needs to be recast entirely. Like this:

Goldberg is clearly using the term to describe the leftists who get so carried away by emotion and passion that they lose their grip on reality. They’re the ones who have modified their own memories and reasoning abilities. They’re the ones who believe that what “Hunter” refers to as speeches about mushroom clouds and African uranium really

Oh, Christ, I can’t continue. I’m sorry. But the more I stared at that final glob of text, trying to decipher it, the more frightening became the notion of editing it.

The effort requires a much braver man.



Stan Pietrewicz

Geww Whiz Kos Kidz. Taking Offense at having some of your readers and writers labeled “moonbats” I thought one of your favorite aphorisms, that I have added an adjective to and adopted, is “wingnuts”. (My preference is Leftwingnuts but that is neither here nor there.)

Isn’t this awfully close to “…the pot calling the kettle blacK???…”

I am also amazed at how often you can excuse my ex-dumbocrats when it self evident that they are out to screw you. Exactly how many Dems voted to silence blogs during the last 60 days of an election; was it a minority of self-described Jackasses or a fervant and overwhelming well-considered vote of the Jackasses that did it, (149-??) along a with a tiny few big government Repos endorsing McCain-Feingold? Hmm?

Please forgive me if this has any glimmer of homosexual bashing, as its not intended, but why did you Kosites bend over and stick your rumps in the air after the Jackasses did that to you? I thought you would be allies in the fight, but Nooooo!

Its almost as bad as your bleating about Bush not being serious about avian flu vaccines, when the rentier class parasites have driven all but one of the former 139 vaccine makers out of the country. Could it be their millions of dollars ofre-cycled legal extortions have bought all that’s left of the once-proud center left Party? Hmmm???

I’m waiting for a response.

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[…] From Never Yet Melted, regarding the whole Jonah Goldberg thing: One is simply compelled to conclude that the term deranged moonbats must have struck a nerve. […]


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