25 Nov 2005

MSM Avoids Identifying Black Muslims

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Little Green Footballs and Bare Knuckle Politics (hat tip: Michelle Malkin) cover attacks on two liquor stores in West Oakland by “about a dozen African-American men wearing suits, white-collared shirts and bow ties — a trademark of the Nation of Islam.” Television news reports have studiously avoided mentioning the Islamic aspect of the attacks.

4 Feedbacks on "MSM Avoids Identifying Black Muslims"

Muhammed Ali

How do you know they are “studiously” avoiding “identifying” Nation of Muslims? Could have been impostors. Seems like a story you would want to confirm before “identifying.” If it wasn’t Nation of Islam guys, then the cry of libel. Do you think the MSM has some underlying sympathy for the Nation of Islam?

If they were wearing long ties, should they have identified them as Mormon missionaries?


Follow the links and look at the video.

Haven’t you ever seen Nation of Islam guys wearing those little bow-ties? I have.

Mohammed Ali

Sure, I’ve seen ’em. But of course, “masks” are a common ploy of the criminal. Mormon’s wearing bowties, are still Mormons. Its just that with these guys its better to confirm the fact that they were actually from the Nation of Islam and not trying to look like the Nation of Islam.


I have not seen a lot of examples of ordinary criminals or vandals donning disguises in order to shift the blame to innocent third parties.

Besides, if you’re not a member of the Nation of Islam, or don’t live in Nebraska, you probably couldn’t even find those kind of bowties.


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