06 Dec 2005

MSM Spins Dismissal of Charges Against Delay

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The headlines read:

Washington Post: DeLay’s Felony Charge Is Upheld

San Francisco Chronicle: DeLay can’t avoid trial over charges

Houston Chronicle: Ruling diminishes likelihood DeLay regains leader’s post

when what they should be saying is:

BBC: DeLay conspiracy charge dropped


And I’m not the only one who noticed. Daniel J. Solove made precisely the same point today. Hat tip to Jonah Goldberg.

One Feedback on "MSM Spins Dismissal of Charges Against Delay"

Louis Nizer

Why should they be saying “conspiracy charge dropped.” Two out of three charges were kept. That’s what the NY Times properly reported. What matters is whether he is going to trial, not whether one charge is dropped. In any case, there may be charges that are better than others. The news is that he is going to trial, period. Your preferred headline is therefore misleading in terms of relevance.


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