09 Dec 2005

White Flag Video


The Republican Party has a new video identifying the democrats’ strategy for the War on Terror, titled “Retreat and Defeat.” I particularly liked the old-fashioned line pointing out that “the enemy is watching too.”

Hat tip to Michelle Malkin.

4 Feedbacks on "White Flag Video"

tony martin

How short your neo-con memory is! It was only 15 months ago that Bush was saying it was an unwinnable war in a tv interview. Ha ha ha!!!

Dude, you can always sign up for the war, no one is stopping ya!


Moonbats always accuse conservatives of being neocons. Neocons are (usually Jewish) former liberals, who got mugged by reality and became conservative. Paleocons are religious and nativist, and want protectionism, like Pat Buchanan. I’m not Jewish. I’ve been conservative since long before you were born, and I’m not nativist or religious, and I prefer Free Trade, so I’m just plain conservative. I oppose all victimless crime laws though too, so I deserve to be considered libertarian.


Bush was referring to there being no clear end point in a war against non-gevernmental entities like terrorists, not urging that we withdraw and accept defeat, like those democrats. There is a difference.

I’m too old, alas! to volunteer. They are not taking people who were at Woodstock like me.


Do not swagger going to battle,


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