John Cole has been moving left recently, sharing his blog with moonbat Tim F., and sobbing big, salty tears over American abuse of the poor widdle terrorists, so I reluctantly moved Balloon Juice down to Unsound Blogs to repose with Democratic Underground and Daily Koz. But every now and then, you can look in and find the old John Cole at home. John observed the democrats’ response to the Republican Party white-flag video, and responded thusly today:
Once again, Democrats are furious with the Republican party for ‘misrepresenting’ them and portraying them as wanting to ‘cut and run.’ How has the GOP done this? By taking direct quotes from the DNC Chairman, the House Minority Leader, and the Democratic candidate for President and standard-bearer just a year ago and putting them over top of a person waving a white flag.
Having lobbed that grenade nicely, John climbs back out of the trench and goes home to the enemy again. Poor chap can’t really make up his mind. He’s too smart to be a liberal, but I think he is responding to some kind of social pressure and trying his best.

The Disenfranchised Voter
Pfff. Neo-Libertarians are all the same. Every single one I have come across is a Neo-con in denial.
You guys are a joke.
I don’t know how neolibertarian I am exactly, but I am pretty strongly libertarian (in a non-LP sense), and I’m certainly not a neocon. I’ve been conservative for a long, long time.
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