22 Jan 2006

Latest Argument for Joining the NRA


Steve Janke of Angry in the Great White North reports from the Canadian election campaign front:

Liberal candidate to veteran: Get out of Canada!

At the Pembroke Outdoor Sportsman’s Club, Liberal candidate Don Lindsay revealed a portion of the Liberal platform related to compensation for gun owners should their legally owned weapons be confiscated. Essentially, if you think you are owed something, think again.

To be even more precise, if you think the Liberals owe you something, you should hit the road:

Don Lindsay’s self destruction continued when club member and Canadian Veteran George Tompkins stood to ask the candidates his question. “If the handgun ban goes forward. What plan would your party offer to compensate those of us who legally own the guns that would be confiscated?” To which Lindsay replied “Sir America is our neighbor not our nation, if you elect a society that talks about that kind of perspective I suggest that perhaps you go there!”

Maybe Lindsay thought grabbing [Conservative] Paul Martin’s line from the leader’s debate would work for him.

Of course, Linday’s comments don’t even make much sense. If the majority of voters do elect a government with that sort of policy, then wouldn’t it make sense that Lindsay be the one looking for somewhere else to live? I don’t think he needs to. He is welcome to stay, of course.

I don’t think people should leave for holding different opinions, and voting based on those opinions.

Too bad he couldn’t extend that courtesy to a man who fought for this country.

It’s moments like these that a Conservative candidate lives for.

Hat tip to PJM.


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