30 Jan 2006

Zawahiri Speaks

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The tape released by Ayman al-Zawahiri on al-Jazeera today proves two things: 1) he was not killed in the recent US Predator strike in Pakistan, and 2) that al Qaeda really is on the run and desperate for a truce. The Counterterrorism Blog has translated excerpts, including:

the American refusal to accept the Truce offer by Usama Bin Laden as an honorable way out, under the pretext that the US are winning the war against what it calls Terrorism, is a Bush “mirage.” …the public in the US and the UK should make Bush and Blair responsible for the bodies which will come from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Sounds like Zawahiri could get himself a job over in Monterey in the Defense Analysis Department of the Naval Postgraduate School.

One Feedback on "Zawahiri Speaks"

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Qaida Must Deliver on Zawahiri’s Threat To Attack

Zawahiri did not confirm, however, the death of several of his deputies who were believed by Pakistani intelligence sources to have died when unmanned US Predator drones fired Hellfire missiles at a compound in the village of Damadola where Zawahiri …


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