10 Feb 2006

From a Medieval Studies List

One of the correspondents quoted a medieval verse today concerning St. Roch:

Exempt de blame
rendit son ame
en bon chretien
dans les bras de son chien


I had to look him up.

St. Roch was reportedly born 1295 in Montpellier to a rich merchant family. He became a hermit, and spent most of his life on pilgrimage. In Piacenza, he caught the plague while tending the sick, and survived miraculously, having been fed in the woods by a dog. He is consequently a patron of the plague-stricken. Often represented attended by a dog bearing a loaf of bread in his mouth. Feast: 16 August.

4 Feedbacks on "From a Medieval Studies List"


I’m a college student researching St. Roch for an art history paper. Can you direct me to more info? I haven’t been able to find to much detail.


I’m a college student researching St. Roch for an art history paper. Can you direct me to more info? I haven’t been able to find to much detail.



rhon de leon


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