09 Mar 2006

The Wit & Wisdom of John Derbyshire


John Derbyshire from FrankJ‘s blog:

Here’s a good list of Derbyisms:

*** Journalists are scum.

*** Is this any way for free people to live?

*** Cry Havoc! And let slip the appropriate dogs.

*** I don’t see how you can ever have enough nukes.

*** I do have some opinions that aren’t very respectable.

*** Like any honest reactionary, I loathe the New York Times.

*** For most people, college education is a waste of time and money.

*** The ducks aren’t ever going to line up. The ducks are trying to kill you.

*** American society is increasingly a conspiracy of the smart against the dumb.

*** Marriage is one of those things that works best when people don’t think about it too much.

*** The Middle East contains three hundred million people, and most of them are crazy as coots.

*** Carve into your mind in great stone letters: This nation is the hope, and the conscience, of the world.

*** Let’s face it, in the great 20th-century struggle between the state and the individual, the state has won, game, set, and match.

*** The fact is that political stupidity is a special kind of stupidity, not well correlated with intelligence, or with other varieties of stupidity.

*** Wherever there is a jackboot stomping on a human face there will be a well-heeled Western liberal to explain that the face does, after all, enjoy free health care and 100 percent literacy.

*** I want to live among people who can read, write, give correct change and name the capital of their state. Beyond that, I think education is a luxury that people should pay for themselves.

*** Stereotypes are, in fact, merely one aspect of the mind’s ability to make generalizations, without which science and mathematics, not to mention much of everyday life, would be impossible.

*** This is life. People stumble and grope blindly hither and thither, wondering if they did the right thing, occasionally knocking something over and hoping no-one noticed, striving for illusory goals, addled with guilt and insecurity.

*** Look at our fool diplomats, poring over their treaties and resolutions and communiqués, while young men with burning eyes slip silently into our cities with boxes, canisters, cargoes, vials, and suitcases curiously heavy. Look at this proud tower! And feel its foundations tremble.

*** Does it not occur to you…that by purging all sacred images, references, and words from our public life, you are leaving us with nothing but a cold temple presided over by the Goddess of Reason — that counterfeit deity who, as history has proved time and time and time again, inspires no affection, retains no loyalties, soothes no grief, justifies no sacrifice, gives no comfort, extends no charity, displays no pity, and offers no hope, except to the tiny cliques of fanatical ideologues who tend her cold blue flame?


One can find him at the Corner as well.


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