02 Apr 2006

Egyptian Cartoonists Strike Back


Danish cartoonist (with snakes for brains) draws anti-Islamic cartoon, inspired by bribes of bags of money, egged on by a djinn, with a star of David between his horns.

Egyptian blogger Sand Monkey reports that the Syndicate of Egyptian Cartoonists has organized a response to Denmark’s Jyllands-Posten’s Mohammed cartoons. The results were published in al-Fagr (“the Dawn”), the same newsaper which published the Danish cartoons last October.

More of the new Egyptian cartoons can be seen at Sand Monkey‘s blog. They are not very witty, but neither were the Danish cartoons really (though the latter were more colorful, and a bit better drawn). Still, even taking into account the antisemiticism, it is refreshing, and seems a positive development, to see the Islamic world responding cartoon-for-cartoon. not beheading-knife-for-cartoon.

One Feedback on "Egyptian Cartoonists Strike Back"

Paul Wall

Wow, am I late! Still; how dare the Muslim artists complain about “anti-Islamic” cartoons when they continually to draw rabid anti-Semitic ones? Open your minds and shut your mouths for a change and see what the cartoons you don’t like truly mean. Sometimes it’s not about you.


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