A 37 year old Briton has shattered all previously known records of indulgence by seeking treatment after doing an alleged 40,000 hits of MDA (Ecstasy, to you) in the course of the last nine years. The poor fellow “suffers from severe physical and mental health side-effects, including extreme memory problems, paranoia, hallucinations and depression. He also suffers from painful muscle rigidity around his neck and jaw which often prevents him from opening his mouth.” But he also smoked so much dope, it’s pretty hard to tell what it was that messed him up.

Or, indeed, he may well have been messed up to begin with. It isn’t widely trumpeted, but lots of studies (of the sort Nancy Reagan would frown at) suggest that people who are heavy drug abusers (including some to most alcoholics) are trying to self-medicate their problems. Most street people who are chronically homeless turn out to be schizophrenic. Also, alcoholic and frequent users of some other drug or drugs of choice – speed, downs, painkillers (opioids), benzodiazepine tranquilizers (valium and it’s friends).
Then again, there’s the math. 40,000 doses spread over 9 365 day years works out to 12.2 hits per day with never a day off. Assuming a street price of $5 (hey, I’m not at all current), that’s a $70/day habit which is hard to believe.
When would he sleep? When would he eat? Where would the money come from (keeping in mind, even to live a life of crime one must show SOME degree of mental organization)…
Nah…the whole thing is doubtless an urban myth – or the latest poster child for the War On Drugs.
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