17 May 2006

Iran Supplied Missiles That Shot Down British & American Helicopters?

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Depkafile, presumed voice of Mossad, reports that new Iran-sponsored Shiite insurgent groups have begun operating in Iraq, and that Iran supplied the surface to air missiles used to shoot down a British helicopter at Basra and an American helicopter over Yussifiya. According to this report, Iran has supplied insurgents in Iraq with 1000 such missiles and a large number of newly developed, enhanced lethality roadside bombs.

In the past two weeks, Iran has been pumping into Iraq two types of extra-lethal weapons in very large quantities. They have already taken their toll in the shooting down of two military helicopters – one American and one British — and an estimated 19 deaths of US military personnel.

DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources estimate the delivery to Iraqi insurgents as consisting of around 1,000 SA-7 Strela ground-air missiles made in Iran, and a very large quantity of a newly-developed roadside bomb, loaded with compressed gas instead of ball bearings and cartridges, to magnify their blast and explosive power.

The supplies have been distributed across Iraq – Basra and Amara in the south, Baghdad and its environs, Haditha in the west, and Mosul in the north.

The new bombs, developed jointly by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and the Lebanese Hizballah, have already gone into service with the Shiite terrorists on the Lebanese border with Israel. Israeli military sources say it is only a matter of time before the deadly roadside bombs, already used in Iraq, will also reach Palestinian areas in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

If this Israeli-supplied information is correct, Iran has certainly committed acts of war. Of course, one expects that Israel would very much like the US to invade Iran, and Depkafile has not always been completely accurate, so….


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