The ACLU is not content with censoring and then pulling the plug on high school graduation speeches in Nevada.
Officials and a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union said Friday that administrators followed federal law when they cut the microphone on Foothill High School valedictorian Brittany McComb as she began deviating from a preapproved speech and reading from a version that mentioned God and contained biblical references.
“There should be no controversy here,” ACLU lawyer Allen Lichtenstein said. “It’s important for people to understand that a student was given a school-sponsored forum by a school and therefore, in essence, it was a school-sponsored speech.”
They are also hard at work on prohibiting the expression of dissent by their own board members.
Several board members of the American Civil Liberties Union expressed concerns at a meeting yesterday over proposed standards that would prohibit board members from publicly criticizing the organization’s policies and internal operations.
“I cannot vote for these proposals, as I have violated them nearly every time I have written an op-ed piece or spoken to the press,” said Mary Ellen Gale, an at-large member.
Bennett Hammer, a board member representing the organization’s New Mexico affiliate, cited examples of decisions in the last few years that he said had embarrassed the A.C.L.U. and contended that adopting the proposals would be yet another of “the things that have made us a laughingstock with the public.”
The board nonetheless voted against motions to strike the controversial provisions from the proposals and instead opted for further discussion.
Emily Whitfield, an A.C.L.U. spokeswoman, said the failure of the motions was not an endorsement of the proposals. “A vote at this early stage would have been a departure from the board’s deliberative process, and to suggest otherwise would be unfair and misleading,” she wrote in an e-mail message.
One of the provisions said, “a director may publicly disagree with an A.C.L.U. policy position, but may not criticize the A.C.L.U. board and staff.”
Another said, “Where an individual director disagrees with a board position on matters of civil liberties policy, the director should refrain from publicly highlighting the fact of such disagreement.”
Shouldn’t these guys change their name already?

JoeL Benamar
I belive that our country has deviated so far from our original past. Must we forget that our country was founded upon Christianity. We came here to get away from the persecuting forces that made us not have freedom of speech. It seems that the ACLU and other extremists are only one’s offended by Christians speeking out they’re mind. Personally it seems to me that the ACLU is the minority, but just has the biggest mouths. They’re so worried that someone that hears the word of God will converted to Christianity, that they go to these extreme measures so no one can ever speak their mind. The question I would like to know is what if someone gave a speech about atheisim? What would happen to them? Would their mic be pulled? Most likely not! I applaud Brittany McComb for exercising her freedom of speech that men have died for to protect.
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