Michelle Malkin suggested that some WWII posters were in need of updating, and her Photoshop-armed readers have responded with a nice collection of very apt images.
24 Jun 2006
24 Jun 2006
Careful! The New York Times May Be ListeningAmusement, Leaks, New York Times, War on TerrorMichelle Malkin suggested that some WWII posters were in need of updating, and her Photoshop-armed readers have responded with a nice collection of very apt images. Feeds
Came to see WHO was covering Rick Rescorla for the 2996 Tribute – seems he’s in good hands! And you’ve pointed me to the Michelle Maulkin – POSTER DRIVE! THANKS. We need the artists! As Rick is one of my favorite people (me – old Vietnam era person) – let me know if you need anything. This site looks like one I need to visit more often.
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