We all knew that Woodstock, New York and Berkeley, California have a demented moonbat problem, but Rolla, Missouri?
A local editorialist there named Dave Weinbaum is afraid that Bush is going to run again.
Yes, I know the 22nd Amendment limits presidents to two terms, but Mr. Weinbaum has figured out a loophole.
Bush has finally done it.
He now acknowledges that Karl Rove stole two presidential elections in collusion with Diebold Corporation and the Supreme Court. He’s so repentant that he has decided to run once more for the presidency…legitimately.
You see, if he was never legally elected, term limits don’t apply to him.
Since he claims no knowledge of the actual crimes committed by Karl, learning of them after the fact, there’s no likelihood that he’ll be indicted, much less impeached. Republicans, if they maintain their control, can stop all Lib attempts at such feeble gestures…
The only way Dems can stop this from happening is to win the majority in Congress…or bribe enough Republicans to vote against the President.
And I thought the strongest US pot was grown up in Humboldt County….

Man! what a great Idea I’m gonna make some BUSH ’08 bumper stickers and put them on my ride. That should drive Libs nuts!
The editorial you link to is a parody that takes all kinds of shots at the left and far left.
I’m sure you know this cause you must have read the editorial before you linked to it.
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