23 Jul 2006

55 Year Old Ontario Man Kills Bear With Knife

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Tom Tilley and Sam the dog

Reading of the death of Dr. Jacqueline Perry, last September, in a bear attack, Waterloo, Ontario resident Tom Tilley resolved to arm himself with a six inch hunting knife. Perry’s husband had tried unsuccessfully to drive off the bear which was attacking his wife, futilely stabbing at it with a Swiss Army knife.

(Since this was Canada, nobody even thought of carrying a gun.)

Tilley’s decision to carry the knife proved providential. Last week, during a 12-day canoe trip, Tilley found himself being stalked by an aggressive black bear near Abbey Lake (in the vicinity of Wawa, Ontario)

When the bear blocked Tilley’s path, and began advancing menacingly, Sam, his Staffordshire terrier, came out from behind his master, and placed himself between Tilley and the bear.

The bear grabbed the dog in his jaws, but thinking to himself “‘You’re not going to kill my dog,” the horrified Tilley drew his knife, and advanced to the attack. Tilley leaped onto the bear’s back, and began stabbing. Though bitten on the hand, Tom Tilley killed that bear.

The wounded man was able to drag his canoe over a short portage and crossed a nearby lake where he was able to find some American campers equipped with a satellite phone. They summoned a float plane for an emergency medical evacuation.

Kitchener-Waterloo Record

Jacqueline Perry attack

Wikipedia has a incomplete list of fatal North American bear attacks. There have been a dozen people killed by black bears since the year 2000.

11 Feedbacks on "55 Year Old Ontario Man Kills Bear With Knife"

Steve Bodio

Being that it is Canada, especially eastern Canada, I’m half- surprised they haven’t banned big knives or “pitbulls”.

I’ll shoot anything that goes after my dogs, including– sorry– a wolf. More wolves in New Mexico than Asian tazis in the US!

Karen Chen

Hi Steve,

I am a saluki enthusiast who open field courses salukis and is planning on breeding a litter from my bitch Reta next year. I got Reta from Chris Mason, we have know each other for over 15 years. Anyhow, I received an email from this person in Texas (actually I’ve received an email from two different people in Texas) and I was wondering if you knew this person and if so, could you tell me a little bit about him.

This is the email message I received “Interested in purchasing young male or female saluki. However, do not have e-mail capabilities(using friends computer). Please contact me (Roy Aydelott) in Crowell, Texas. I course with salukis in the open field. I may be reached by phone at 940-684-1158.”

The other person is Gregg Barrow in Texas also. I don’t know these people and will not sell a puppy to someone I don’t know or been referred to.

Thank you so much,

Tom Tilley

“(Since this was Canada, nobody even thought of carrying a gun)”

Lots of guns up here. Blame my naivety.
I completed a firearms safety course last month.
I was lucky (blessed) to get out on top in this situation.
A firearm is the smart way to go.

“I’m half- surprised they haven’t banned big knives or “pitbulls”.”

They have banned ‘pitbulls’ in my province (Ontario) and Amstaffs are included in the ill-conceived legislation.
We have spent 100’s of thousands bringing a court challenge to the law and are now waiting on pins and needles for the decision.
See that orange button I’m sporting in the picture? It reads…
My Ontario includes Pitbulls

Hopefully Sam will be inducted into the Purina Hall of Fame this March.
As far as I’m concerned he deserves it.

Looks like you’re on the “right” side of the political spectrum so you may enjoy the FreeRepublic thread on my (mis)adventure.


Todd Egan


Unreal, what happened to you and your amazing dog. I agree with you, my ontario includes pitbulls and the law is just ridiculous. Lets hope that it gets over turned. I would really be interested in hearing more about your bear incident. That must have been just something else.

Glad that you and your dog made it out ok.


martin wearn

Hello Tom

I am the outfitter that owns the outpost on Abbey Lake and it was our satellite phone you used to call for help. We are very happy you and your dog made it out together. Other posts here suggest you should carry a gun, which would have been illegal since you were in The Worlds Largest Game Preserve. The Ministry of Natural Resources will not even allow me to take a gun in to erraticate bears that are causing problems. They say I should protect my camps and my guests with electric fences, this obviously does not protect people like you portaging or those away from our camp. And what about a bear stuck inside the fence not able to get out, I would not want to face a trapped bear. Our Goverment also unwisely cancelled a spring bear hunt causeing a shortage of space and food for the black bear. These issues need to be relooked at by those making these foolish laws, it’s really too bad it takes two brutal bear attacks in my backyard to wake people up to the fact there is a problem with the bear population.


i dont see him killing a bear because i have been in the wilderness and i have seen a bear kill a moose with one bolw to the head so i thank that the old man should be dead
Sincerely, zack

If you had to fight a bear, would you win, and how would you do it? - Page 13 - Fires of Heaven Guild Message Board

[…] […]


that guy is still a bitch


ok brad what we’ll do for you on this one is capture a black bear, put it in a cage and you and zach can double team it and i bet it will still win, this guy came out on top so why you’d doubt him i don’t know.


Hey Brad. That guy killed a BEAR with a KNIFE. It is either terribly brave or terribly stupid to make him overly angry. I just DARE you to take a poke at his dog!! Sissy!!

Dog attacks - Page 15 - Stormfront

[…] […]


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