07 Aug 2006

Who is Ned Lamont?

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I knew he was a commie, of course. But not until I read Martin Peretz, in the Wall Street Journal, did I realise that he is an hereditary commie of impeccable red-diaper origins: old money, with Exeter, Harvard, and Stalin as family traditions.

Left-wing Democrats are once again fielding single-issue “peace candidates,” and the one in Connecticut, like several in the 1970s, is a middle-aged patrician, seeking office de haut en bas, and almost entirely because he can. It’s really quite remarkable how someone like Ned Lamont, from the stock of Morgan partner Thomas Lamont and that most high-born American Stalinist, Corliss Lamont, still sends a chill of “having arrived” up the spines of his suburban supporters simply by asking them to support him.

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Knowing is Living! »

[…] Here’s the revealed history of this person who is supposedly an outsider pro-Sovereignty Liberal… https://www.neveryetmelted.com/?p=1393 Lieberman The “peace” Democrats are back. It’s a dream come true for Karl Rove. BY MARTIN PERETZ (orig. posted in Wall St. Journal) Monday, August 7, 2006 12:01 a.m. EDT We have been here before. Left-wing Democrats are once again fielding single-issue “peace candidates,” and the one in Connecticut, like several in the 1970s, is a middle-aged patrician, seeking office de haut en bas, and almost entirely because he can. It’s really quite remarkable how someone like Ned Lamont, from the stock of (JP) Morgan partner Thomas Lamont and that most high-born American Stalinist, Corliss Lamont, still sends a chill of “having arrived” up the spines of his suburban supporters simply by asking them to support him. Superficially, one may think of those who thought they were already middle class just by being enthusiasts of Franklin Roosevelt, who descended from the Hudson River Dutch aristocracy. But when FDR ran for, and was elected, president in 1932, he had already been a state senator, assistant secretary of the Navy and governor of New York. He had demonstrated abilities. At least in this sense, Mr. Lamont comes to this campaign for the U.S. Senate from absolutely nowhere–and it shows in his pulpy statements on public issues. Here is a paradigmatic one: “We need to provide parents and communities the support they need to assure that children start their school day ready to learn.” Of course, he also thinks that U.S. troops should be replaced by the U.N. in Iraq. Does he know anything at all about the history of the idea that he so foolishly rescues from the dust? So what we have in this candidacy is someone, with no public record to speak of but with perhaps a quarter of a billion dollars to his name, who wants to be a senator. Mr. Lamont has almost no experience in public life. He was a cable television entrepreneur, a run-of-the-mill contemporary commercant with unusually easy access to capital. ……………………………………. For more info on the Thomas Lamont – JP Morgan – Leo Strauss club, reference this handy little chart, if you’re never seen it: http://www.spiritone.com/~gdy52150/bushadmin.gif PS Of course he does. The first act is about to conclude, the curtains are coming down, and act “deaux” will be the warm Democrats turning over the keys to the UN and NATO. (It’s been getting clearer that this was the plan all along, before 911, before “Desert Storm”. Long script and we’ve just been the audience all these years). ————————————————————— article and comments compiled by John Wesley of knowyes from breakfornews forum thread titled: 3 Lamonts, a Morgan and Leo Strauss ————————————————————— […]

Knowing is Living! » 3Lamont, a Morgan and Leo Strauss

Doug Rees

So, the reason why Ned Lamont was to be shunned is that his great uncle (!!!) was Corliss Lamont, a poet, philosopher, and lifelong social activist who said some silly things about Stalin’s Russia. (Corliss Lamont also wrote a pamphlet entitled “Why I Am Not A Communist”, but that has apparently escaped your attention.)

The fact that you would make such an argument merely illustrates the intellectual bankruptcy of people on your side of the political divide. Maybe that’s part of the reason why voters rejected your point of view in the last election.


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