02 Oct 2006

Spanish Villages Cancel Exploding Mohammed’s Head

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The Mail reports that the peculiar disease endemic these days to much of Europe, producing enervated victims suffering from a hazardous limpness of the spine, combined with severely diminished testosterone levels, has been found infecting local officials in rural Spain.

Spanish villages are toning down traditional fiestas, in which dummies representing the Prophet Mohammed are blown up, for fear of offending Muslims.

One eastern Spanish village, Bocairent, decided to abandon the custom of packing the head of a dummy representing Mohammed with fireworks after seeing the angry Muslim response to a Danish newspaper’s publication last year of cartoons of him.

Spanish newspaper El Pais also found that several other villages in the Valencia region had also held back on celebrations this year…

Bocairent’s mayor, Antonio Valdes, said blowing up the Mohammed dummy was offensive.

“It just wasn’t necessary, and as it could hurt some people’s feelings, we decided not to do it,” he said.

The village may not have blown up the wood-and-cardboard Mohammed dummy this year – but it still threw it off a castle wall at the fiesta’s climax in February.

Villages all over Spain hold annual festivals to commemorate the “Reconquista'”, the reconquest of Spain by Christians from the Moors, which was completed in 1492 after more than 700 years of Muslim rule in much of the country.

Spain is now once again home to a growing number of Muslims, mainly Moroccan immigrants, who villagers feel might be offended by some of their traditional celebrations.

I have got to find out the appropriate date, and get myself one of those for next year. Viva Ferdinand and Isabella!

2 Feedbacks on "Spanish Villages Cancel Exploding Mohammed’s Head"


I am so glad they are showing such compassion. After all, what have the poor down-trodden Islamic extremists ever done to Spain? Oh yeah, Madrid. Must have been because of these pinata’s eh?

I like your style » Espagne : Reculade des traditions devant les musulmans

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