14 Oct 2006

What Would Jesus Blog?

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Kevin D. Denee, of the Restored Church of God, lays down the law… on that church’s blog.

So what have we learned? Recall that a blog provider stated, with blogs “there are no rules.” This is obviously not true with God. He does have rules and guidelines, but not everything is spelled out in the Bible. We must take principles and consider the overall big picture.

Should teenagers and others in the Church express themselves to the world through blogs? Because of the obvious dangers; the clear biblical principles that apply; the fact that it gives one a voice; that it is almost always idle words; that teens often do not think before they do; that it is acting out of boredom; and it is filled with appearances of evil—blogging is simply not to be done in the Church. It should be clear that it is unnecessary and in fact dangerous on many levels.

Let me emphasize that no one—including adults—should have a blog or personal website (unless it is for legitimate business purposes)…

Blogging has become a socially accepted practice—just as are dating seriously too young, underage drinking and general misbehaving. But just because someone else “jumps off the cliff” does not mean you should do the same.

Yes, that’s the kind of religion we all know and detest, alright.

Hat tip to fellow scoffer and mocker Mark Frauenfelder.

One Feedback on "What Would Jesus Blog?"

Asher Abrams

“the fact that it gives one a voice”

God, we can’t have that!


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