05 Nov 2006

Orson Scott Card on the Election


Sci Fi author Orson Scott Card says there is only one issue in the upcoming election.

There is only one issue in this election that will matter five or ten years from now, and that’s the War on Terror.

And the success of the War on Terror now teeters on the fulcrum of this election.

If control of the House passes into Democratic hands, there are enough withdraw-on-a-timetable Democrats in positions of prominence that it will not only seem to be a victory for our enemies, it will be one.

Read the whole thing.

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Dominique R. Poirier

The paper and the man who wrote it are brilliant, I find. But when I then managed to know more about Orson Scott Card, a man I didn’t heard of before reading this article, I discovered that he, all at the same time, admires George Bush, expresses much praise and respect for George Bush’s policy, says he is Democrat, is against homosexuality and premarital sex, is pro-gun control, is anti-NRA, is highly critical of free-market capitalism, is Mormon, and once stated “The Democratic Party ought to be standing as the bulwark of the little guy against big money and rapacious free-market capitalism, here and abroad. After all, the Republicans seem to be dominated by their own group of insane utopians (….)”

With all due respect for the performance of Orson Scott Card’s insights and analysis about the troubles in the Middle East, how can a man manage to be that contradictory in his positions and beliefs to such extent as to make me wondering whether two different personalities would inhabit his mind? Orson Scott Card is a puzzling person, indeed. His stances are so controversial that I would class him “somewhere” between men such as Bertrand Russell and Herbert Marcuse.


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