12 Jan 2007

Iraqi Insurgents Claim to Have Fired Chemical WMDs at US Forces

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Iraqi Jihadi Iinsurgents released a video on Wednesday showing the preparation, and launching, of missiles containing chemical weapons. Story at MEMRI.

The Salahaldin Al-Ayoubi Brigades, the military wing of JAMI, Al Jabha Al-Islamiyya l’il-Muqawama Al-‘Iraqiyya, announced via Islamist websites that today, January 10, 2007, it had fired four missiles loaded with chemicals at a U.S. base near Samara, Iraq. The organization posted a film showing militants wearing gas masks and filling the missiles with a liquid which the organization claims are chemicals.

Hat tip to AJStrata.

One Feedback on "Iraqi Insurgents Claim to Have Fired Chemical WMDs at US Forces"


If only it were true. Then we would be able to legaly retaliate with non-conventional weapons.


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