02 Apr 2007

Go, But Please Take California With You

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The Washington Post yesterday reported the latest on the high school history pageant posturings of the moonbat trustafarian invaders of the Green Mountain State.

The winds of secession are blowing in the Green Mountain State.

Vermont was once an independent republic, and it can be one again. We think the time to make that happen is now. Over the past 50 years, the U.S. government has grown too big, too corrupt and too aggressive toward the world, toward its own citizens and toward local democratic institutions. It has abandoned the democratic vision of its founders and eroded Americans’ fundamental freedoms.

Vermont did not join the Union to become part of an empire.

Some of us therefore seek permission to leave.

A decade before the War of Independence, Vermont became New England’s first frontier, settled by pioneers escaping colonial bondage who hewed settlements across a lush region whose spine is the Green Mountains.

All this 18th century folderol is pretty rich coming from a gang of tree-hugging, goat-milking hippies, who are about as popular with the real Vermonters as the Spring black flies.

But personally I hope they succeed with all this pretentious silliness. When they leave they’ll have to take Bernie Sanders and Jim Jeffords with them. Who knows? Maybe they can start a trend, and California will follow.

One Feedback on "Go, But Please Take California With You"

bird dog

Haha. I doubt we’d start a civil war over it. VT has the lowest average family income in the country, by the way.


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