The Jawa Report catches newspapers from Savannah, Bradenton, San Jose, Trenton, and Canada referring to the shootings at Virginia Tech as the worst mass murder in U.S. history, and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer doing only slightly better referring to the second worst mass murder in U.S. history.
Truth is, the Virginia Tech shooting rampage, while tragic, was not “the worst mass murder in U.S. history.” It wasn’t the “second worst mass murder in U.S. history,” or even the third, or the fourth.
The 9/11 attacks (2,998 deaths), the Oklahoma City bombing (168 deaths), the HappyLand arson (87 deaths) and the Bath, Michigan bombing (45 deaths) all claimed more victims than the Virginia Tech shootings (32 deaths).
But, as Vinnie noted yesterday, those events don’t fit neatly into the anti-gun political agenda, so they need to go down the memory hole, thereby leaving the Virginia Tech shootings as “the worst mass murder in U.S. history,” with Charles Whitman’s shooting rampage taking a close second.
john Locke
This argument is valid, but what they forget to mention is the fact that the Virgina Tec. shootings were not made to seem more gruesome by a bias big brother or even as a government ploy. Rather the American people were directly responsible for the panic that followed. When an armed STUDENT begins shooting other STUDENTS at a SCHOOL, it automatically demands the attention of our gun-shy, and news hungry media. This is an economic era where the very people lobbying for gun rights then turn around and burn gun owners on the metaphorical stake.
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