The most remote area in the United States’ Lower 48 is:
A) Inyo County, Calif., home of Death Valley.
B) Park County, Wyo., which includes part of Yellowstone National Park.
C) Hinsdale County, Colo., 95 percent federal land.
D) Piscataquis County, Maine, with Mount Katahdin.
The answer, according to a new analysis of roads and people, is C) Hinsdale.
The southwest Colorado county, the U.S. Geological Survey says, has more wild and roadless land per capita than anywhere else in the contiguous U.S.
Kings County, N.Y. – better known as Brooklyn – has the least roadless land per capita.
Hinsdale also is one of the few places a person can wander more than 10 miles from a road, according to the study in today’s edition of the journal Science.
Pay attention for planning our next move, Karen.
I live in Lake City, the only town in Hinsdale County. Please don’t come, we have enough people already. The people are starting to outnumber the deer and the bears.
We could bring some deer & bear with us…
S Gabel
I live in Park County WY and work for an outfitter I don’t mind if you come as long as you take a wolf AND GO HOME!!
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