16 May 2007

Scientists Becoming Skeptical of Global Warming

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Senator James Inhofe, direct from the bottom of the Environmentalist Inferno where he was placed by Vanity Fair, released today a list of a dozen scientists formerly supporting the theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming who have become skeptics.

2 Feedbacks on "Scientists Becoming Skeptical of Global Warming"

Rafique Ahmed, Unv. of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Many a thoughts come to mind. Some of them are: Supporters of the global warming hypothesis have been given the upper hand by being funded by the UN. They are preaching fear, not facts. On the other hand, the opponents have been marginalized. Earth’s temperature has never been constant. Then why are going crazy to keep it constant. The opponents should organize sessions at professional meetings and confrences , such as athe Annual Meetinga of the (1)American Meteorological Society (AMS), (2) American Geophysical Union, (3) Association of American Geographers (AAG), etc.

Rafique Ahmed, Ph. D.
Professor, Geography/Earth science
Univ. of Wisconsin-La Crosse
La Crosse, WI 54601


This nonsense will be replaced by different nonsense, as soon as we get a couple of colder than normal winters. Then, as in the 1970s, it willl be back to blaming human economic activity for causing the next Ice Age.


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