15 Jul 2007

Carlos the Jackal Sneers at Al Qaeda

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London Times Sunday edition:

Speaking from the Clairvaux prison in northeast France last week (Carlos the Jackal) berated terrorist cells said to have targeted Britain, criticising them for plotting to kill ordinary people.

In his first telephone interview with a newspaper, the Venezuelan-born Vladimir Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, 57, said he was saddened by any loss of life in London, where he lived as a young man. He also attacked what he called a lack of professionalism in some cells linked to Al-Qaeda.

Sanchez is serving a life sentence for three murders in Paris in 1975. He will go on trial again in January over four bomb attacks in France in 1982 and 1983 that killed 12 people and wounded more than 100.

Sanchez, who is now overweight and diabetic, showed no remorse, laughing when asked about the number of his victims. …

“Kensington and Chelsea were places where I spent my youth, so I’m not happy about people getting killed in the streets of London,” he said.

He condemned Al-Qaeda followers (for attacks) without specific targets, saying: “They are not professionals. They’re not organised. They don’t even know how to make proper explosives or proper detonators.”

One Feedback on "Carlos the Jackal Sneers at Al Qaeda"

Dominique R. Poirier

It is ironic that one of the most infamous terrorists expresses himself that way about Al Qaeda followers.
A bit more than a decade ago I did some efforts to learn and to understand what Muslim terrorism is, who are Muslim terrorists, and to get interested in the causes of Muslim terrorism as a study subject.

It didn’t take long before I gave up.

I did a second attempt this year and the same phenomenon did reproduce.

As a result, Carlos the Jackal and I reach to the same conclusion, at least. Those guys are very stupid and deadly boring.

While finishing to read a couple of said-to-be most enlightening and authoritative books on the mind of terrorists I came to realize that the average Muslim terrorist is exactly the same guy as those idling youngsters aged between 15 and 24 living down my street who, everyday, spend their time in conspiracies and plots whose final and usual aims range from blowing up someone’s mailbox with firecrackers, to urinating in the stairs of the building next door, to breaking the door of the garbage-room of the building where they live. The only one difference I see between those guys and Muslim terrorists is that they are not Muslims. For worse, they are even not clinically insane; just desperately and irremediably stupid.

James J. Angleton has been lucky to retire before terrorism overwhelms the realm of counterintelligence. If not, I bet he would have been fired for somnolence at works.


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