The city of San Francisco has a long relationship with the United States Naval Service. It was frequently the embarcation port for Marines departing for combat in the South Pacific. Admiral Chester Nimitz, Commander in Chief of Pacific Forces during WWII, resided in San Francisco, and is buried in one of the cemeteries just beyond the city limits.
Marines Memorial Association, San Francisco
In 1946, the US Marine Corps chose to locate the Marines Memorial Association in downtown San Francisco, a short distance from Union Square.
But, more recently, San Francisco’s film czarina Stephanie Pleet Coyote, a former location manager and wife of actor Peter Coyote appointed in 2004 by Gavin Newsome as head of the city’s Film Commission, refused the US Marine Corps Silent Drill Team a permit to film a recruiting commercial.
The Marines wanted to shut down one lane of California Street for a few minutes at the start of morning rush hour on the anniversary of 9/11 so that the Drill Platoon could be filmed performing against the background of morning traffic. Ms. Coyote said that traffic control was the issue, but the production crew was offered permission to film on California Street as long as no Marines were in the picture.
Marine requests to use one lane of the Golden Gate Bridge were also denied by Ms. Coyote. So the Marines wound up filming in the Golden Gate Recreation Area, in Marin County, overlooking the Bridge.
San Francisco routinely permits traffic to be blocked by demonstrations, most notoriously by Critical Mass bicyclist demonstrators who on the last Friday of every month deliberately block commuter traffic.
This latest insult to the military follows a number of previous gestures by the city administration, including renaming Army Street for the late leftwing labor agitator César Chávez, refusing to berth the retired Battleship Iowa, abolishing Junior ROTC programs in city high schools, and unsuccessfullly trying to cancel the annual Blue Angels air show.
Stephanie Pleet Coyote
4:17 video
Same recruiting commercial being filmed in Times Square 8:49 video
Dr. D. Coleman
This disgusts me and shows the pomposity of the “American hating left” that are nothing more than Sociaslist crept in unaware. I presently have two Nephews serving in the USMC and am proud of them both that inspite of people like Mrs. Coyote, they can see through her agenda AND STILL SERVE THIS COUNTRY.
Rick Meoli
Stephanie Pleet Coyote makes me sick!
G. R. Martinez
It is offending to read about a public official denying any branch of service requesting to film a commercial. Young Marines are dying so that stupid people can continue to be stupid. They all need to look in the mirror in the morning and thank the Marines and the other services for the sacrifices they make daily so that stupid people can do as they please. These active duty men and women deserve more from civic leaders! Semper Fi Marines…
william J Hickey
pleet coyote makes me sick critical massers get access during peak hours (got to give them priority there are grandmas and grandpas who need to be bullied and beat up on) the Marines were doing it the right way and still got denied freedom just falls from the sky and lands on her lap no one had to make a sacrifice I take delight in knowing when something bad happens she will be the first one crying for help and the Marines will answer like they always do if it were me I would tell her no and watch her suffer effen c***
william J Hickey
one more thing isn’t our city under financial duress I thought that the job of the film commission is to raise revenue not turn down revenue city workers are getting layed off and this cow can turn down money for a shoot because of her personal political issues i vote that whatever money she lost from the marines come out of her paycheck all in favor say aye coyote go back to LA or wherever it is your from and stop using our city as a platform for your outdated views its old and boring just like you the 60’s are over i wonder what kind of severance package she got when she got booted
william J Hickey
should be bleet coyote
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