20 Nov 2007

Families of the Wounded Fund

One of the friends we’ve made since moving to Virginia, affiliated with the Marine Corps Museum at Quantico, brought to our attention, as the holiday season approaches and we are all thinking of causes to support, one which is particularly worthy of attention.

Families of the Wounded Fund (FOTWF) was founded in Virginia by local veterans and business leaders in 2005 to furnish financial aid to family members of combat-wounded patients being treated at McGuire Veterans Hospital in Richmond, Virginia.

FOTWF provides financial resources in support of family members and caregivers of military service men and women who have either been wounded in combat operations or injured as the result of line-of-duty activities in support of combat operations, providing for their lodging, meals, transportation, health care, child care, long-distance phone calls, and other miscellaneous expenses.

Donations are tax deductible, and may be sent by post to:

Families of The Wounded Fund
C/O Village Bank
P.O. Box 330
Midlothian, Virginia 23113

or contributed via Paypal from the FOTWF web-site.

The good news is that 100% of all funds donated go to assist family members or caregivers. The organization’s expenses are paid for by the organizers.

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A worthy cause indeed.


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